Houston 2020 Budget Workshop Schedule

Houston 2020 Budget Workshop Schedule

The City of Houston’s Fiscal Year 2020 budget has been released and council is gearing up to start its budget workshops tomorrow.

General Fund spending in the new budget is up by 2.5 percent from $2.104 billion in 2019 to $2.15 billion in 2020. Public safety is seeing a spending increase of 3.57 percent because of increases to the Fire Department ($24 million) and the Police Department ($27 million).

On the revenue side, property tax revenues are also up, though not by as much. They expect to bring in an additional 2 percent in property tax revenue bringing the total to $1.217 billion. While property tax revenues are up, total General Fund revenues have dropped by 2 percent or $54 million less, due to fewer sales of assets and lower transfers from other funds.

Council will kick off their budget session on Wednesday, May 8, at a special called meeting of the Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee. On Wednesday, they will also hear presentations on the FY20 budget for the Finance Department, Mayor’s Office, and City Council.

The rest of the budget schedule is as follows.

*Updated on 5/9/19


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