Cagle Calls for Citizen Engagement With Mobility Funding

Cagle Calls for Citizen Engagement With Mobility Funding

Last week, we wrote about the surprise vote in Harris County Commissioners Court to restructure how much of $33 million in Metro funding each precinct was going to get. That debate is still waging.

In response to the move, which reduced funding in Commissioner Steve Radack’s (Precinct 3) and Commissioner Jack Cagle’s (Precinct 4) precincts, Cagle issued a call for residents to show up and speak out at the next Commissioners Court meeting.

In Cagle’s letter, he says last week’s vote impacts his precinct by $3 million in road construction funds for this year and that at the next Commissioners Court meeting, Commissioners Rodney Ellis and Adrian Garcia will be going “after portions of Precinct 3 and 4’s Mobility Funds where an estimated $6 million per year is at stake in Precinct 4.”

It goes on to say, “Precinct 4 maintains over 2,600 road miles and 327 bridges in a 72% unincorporated area. The current formula for distribution accounts for the number of road miles each precinct must maintain.”

For that reason, Cagle is calling for citizens to show up at the July 9 meeting and voice their opinion.

“It is now very typical for Commissioners Court to go beyond 6 hours. If you are unable to join me in court to speak, I encourage you and others in your circle of influence to contact Judge Hidalgo who also represents you on the court to express your concern.”

The next Court meeting is July 9, 10am, at 1001 Preston St., Suite 934.

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